Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ariella Beals' AEA Graduation Prayer at CBS Tonight

Life, Love, Laughter, Smiles, Family, Friends

Thank you G-d,

for all of these gifts and more, like nature. A leaf, a tree, a forest. A grain of sand, a pebble, a mountain. A feather, a hawk, a flock of geese. A creek, a stream, a river. A puddle, a lake, an ocean. The spinning of a spider’s web. The turning of the world. A blade of grass. A raindrop. A rainbow. A cloud. A star. A student learning from a teacher. A teacher learning from a student.

My friends,

Who brighten up my life, and make me smile. When my dog Yofi was getting a serious surgery back in Kindergarten, the one thing I clearly remember was my friends comforting me. They have stood by me through the years, laughing with me and crying with me. They make the world seem new each time I see it.

My loving family,

Who support me, put up with me, embrace me , protect me, embarrass me, guide me, imagine with me, laugh with me, hope with me, dream with me and fly with me. They have all given me such wonderful opportunities that make their lives more difficult, like such a fabulous education as AEA, even though there is tuition, and my dance, even though it complicates just about everything.

I pray that someday I will be lucky enough to be half as worthy as all of the gifts you have given me.

Please G-d,

Give me the strength to protect the world and all its inhabitants.

Most important of all, let me always be aware of the gifts you have given me.

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