Thursday, January 8, 2015

Dear Haverim:

·        Tomorrow, Friday, January 9, 8 p.m. Shabbat service (note later start time).  Our guest darshan is Hirohiko Kizula. He will share the history of the Japanese “Raoul Wallenberg,” diplomat Shiume Sugihara, who helped Jews living in Lithuania flee the Nazis in the early days of WWII.  I would like to make a special request that our upper school Hebrew School parents (Vav, Kehilla, Confirmation) bring their children to this program.  It is a MUST!

·        Saturday, January 10
8:45 a.m. – Lay led Torah study (I hope to make a cameo and share some nuggets I gleaned at my rabbinic retreat).
9:45 a.m. – Shabbat services.  I will be sharing a sermon I heard from one of my RTI (Rabbinic Training Institute faculty members), Dr. Mona Fishbane, titled “Cultivating Compassion and Connection.”  Dr. Fishbane is the Director of Couple Therapy Program at the Chicago Center for Family Health.  She applies psychotherapy and brain research to the Torah portion in very original ways.

Note:  I will be implementing a new system of Shabbat morning service leading which aims to shorten the service.  I hope a shortened service will allow more congregants to attend.  If you come, I would like your feedback during Kiddush.

I look forward to seeing you this Shabbat and growing with you – both intellectually and spiritually.


Rabbi Michael