Friday, July 25, 2014

Scottish Shabbat and Come Traveling w/Me

Dear Haverim:

     *TONIGHT, July 25th, 6:30 p.m., Kabbalat Shabbat (6 p.m. Happy Hour).  SCOTTISH SHABBAT. Having just got back from our family vacation, I will be dedicating the next three or four Friday night services to the Jewish history of each country we visited, serve food, set the music appropriately, and when appropriate, wear the native dress. So tonight, I will be sporting, and invite you to sport, your best Royal Stuart Tartan – I’ve got a matching kippah and tie.  I will serving kosher Scottish shortbread, and I will have a wee bonnie surprise to serve up here and there.  Prepare to vicariously visit France, Greece, England, and or course, Israel in the weeks ahead.  TONIGHT IS ALSO ANNIVERSARY SHABBAT! I would like to bless our July couples, and give them reading parts in the service.

     *TOMORROW, July 26th, 9:30 a.m., SHABBAT SERVICES.  This week’s portion is called Mas’ei, and deals with the wanderings of the Jewish people.  I will talk about our recently completed Beth Shalom-ASKE-Beth Emeth trip to Israel, and with a little show and tell, go over some of the highlights of our visit, as well as the political situation, on the ground, as we experienced in “real-time.”  I hope, in the Torah portion’s spirit to recount key moments along our desert wandering, and do the same with this trip.  I am still processing our experiences, so this will be but a glimpse, which I hope to expand upon during Rosh Hashana.

      I am glad to be home.  I missed you all very much and when some of you contacted me during my time away, I hope I dealt lovingly and effectively with the concerns that you brought to my attention.

       Shabbat shalom !

        Rabbi Michael

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