Thursday, July 25, 2013

Musical Shabbat to Reward & Punishment-an interactive sermon

Dear Haverim:
*THIS Friday, July 28, Kabbalat Shabbat services, 6:30 p.m. (Happy Hour 6 p.m.) Theme: A Taste of Ramah. I will be playing guitar, encouraging singing, and in lieu of a sermon, I will be delivering a DEUTERONOMY RAP, composed by one of my fellow teachers from the Va’ad Chinuch. We will be joined by Arielle, one of the Israeli shelichim serving as counselors at the JCC Summer Camp. Come give her a proper Beth Shalom Welcome!
*Saturday, July 29, 9:30 a.m. Shabbat services (10:15 a.m. Torah service). I will be leading services, chanting Torah, chanting Haftarah, giving the sermon and washing up the dishes. Aside from toasting the birth of Prince George (Jewish on his mother’s side? Most say no, but what a story), I will be delivering an interactive sermon: Parashat Ekev: So How is this Reward & Punishment Business Working Out in YOUR Life? I will walk you through the basics of Deuteronomic Theology, and then ask you to share insights from your life as to how you have experienced reward and punishment at play in your own personal stories.
I will also begin to share some juicy details regarding High Holy Days, including celebs who have decided to spend Rosh Hashana at Congregation Beth Shalom.
Shabbat shalom!
Rabbi Michael

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