Thursday, August 30, 2012

Labor on the Bimah + Kindness to Animals Legislation

Dear Haverim:

     *This Friday, August 31, 6:30 p.m. services will be mindful of Labor Day.  My Sermon Topic will be:

Labor on the Bima: Insights from the Torah. 

I will be focusing on the rights of restaurant employees, immigrant workers and advances in Hegsher Tsedek, which is the Conservative Movement’s efforts to add another layer to labeling meat kosher, which would include standards involving how the employees who process the kosher food are treated.

        *This Saturday, September 1, 9:30 a.m., my d’var Torah will be Ki Tetzei: (Tsa’ar Baa’lei Hayim) Kindness to Animals legislation, from shooing away mother birds to not yoking an ox with a donkey.  I will be exploring modern applications as well as asking medieval rabbinic questions like: are we doing this for the animal or we doing this for our own moral development?

        (Note later 9 a.m. service on Monday, Labor Day, September 3).

        Be relevant. Stay informed.  Attend Shabbat services at Congregation Beth Shalom.

        Shabbat shalom!

        Rabbi Michael

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